Sunday, February 20, 2005

Whipped puppies

Man, oh man.

Being home is great. Really it is. But boy are we whipped. It is remarkably taxing just getting caught up on the little trivial incidentals (laundry, bathing, sleep, mail). Email is currently a challenge though I have discovered WiFi at a great little coffee shop called Fido. (Yes, I promise I'll bring Tshirts back when I get back to Colorado for all the vet types.)

And Mom feels the same way. There has been a lot of doing the last 48 hours for her-new tests, new doctors to break in, nurses to charm and so on. Medically, she is doing a bit better. The clot in her arm seems to be improving a smidge (and her INR is in the therapeutic range so they are stopping the heparin injections and just going with coumadin). The ophthalmologists came by this morning and are a bit concerned that she probably has lost part of her field of vision on the left but the only thing that can be done is to wait and see how much.

On the social side, Mom made fast friends with Jonelle, one of her flight nurses. Jonelle allowed her a break from the blood pressure cuff between readings and Mom was so pleased she blew her a huge theatrical kiss, arm and all. She then tried to use the windowframe on the plane to pull herself into a sitting position, which we had to nix, but Jonelle complimented Mom on her strength. It is unfortunate that I did not have the camera ready as Mom made a great boxing fist and bulged out her bicep. Delightful to see that Pammy Jo sass.

Today's nurses reported that Mom was quite perky earlier on and enjoyed showing off all her 'toys'- or least those that have arrived so far. There are a number still in transit from LA. She also took the opportunity to try and set up one of the nurses last night with Roland's son James. Not that Elliott's husband would be pleased to hear that!


Sundry sundries:
Thank you all for the wonderful posts and nagging remarks. I am indeed going to try and get a little more 'me' time to sleep the next day or so. I have taken careful note of all the offers of help and will post needs once I have figured out what they are! [Those of you on campus beware! You may find me a visitor in search of a quiet space now and then...]

Humorously, as hopefully you all have figured out by mow, I have only just realized that the community chorus is VCC and the university chorus is VUCC. oops. I kinda swapped them in an earlier post which I am positive caused some confusion and stir. Sorry!

Well, we promised Mom we'd be back soon so I better sign off. I will try and write again later tonight.

Love you all (even the ones I only know through the ether so far)-



Blogger Debora said...

Hi Jacqui!

I'm so glad that you all made it to Nashville and can enjoy some Southern hospitality and home time. It's also good that you are limiting visitors at this point. Please be assured that we all understand that Pam's rest and recovery come first. All of the other will come in due time...

I don't know if you remember, but I met you at Christmas at Pam's. I'm in the VCC and work in the Department of Finance for the Medical Center; I'm often in meetings all over campus. I know lots of the nooks and crannies in the Medical Center, where the wi-fi spots are, etc. My office phone is 343-0217 and my cell is 300-7930. Please add me to the list of folks who would be glad to show you around, take you to lunch, etc.

Tell Pam hello for me and thanks once again for keeping us in touch with her progress. Welcome to Nashville!


2:16 PM  
Blogger rowena___. said...

jacqui, i believe it is well known and generally agreed that my office is the most inviting at blair. ;) for one, i don't use the vile overhead florescent lights. you are always welcome to come over and hide.

and i have a very flexible schedule so i can do things at a moment's notice, please feel free to ask--ye shall receive. 2-7508.

i so look forward to meeting you one day soon!

as always, much love to pam and roland, and YOU. rowena, rudi, ella.

(rudi's office is 2-4919, and he says ditto to all the above, except i have to say that his office is a disaster area and thus not very inviting. :/ )

3:56 PM  
Blogger charlotte said...

hello team s!!
tonight was the "passion" concert at first pres (with the symphony and the BCCCC, or just BCC- blair children's chorus concert choir)... and it was great! it was very long, but it sounded great. lots of people talked about mrs. schnell, and she even made the program!! :) everyone's favorite part seemed to be when we walked down the aisle at the end. they said we sounded like angels!! and it's all due to mrs. schneller!! we love her and miss her dearly!! jacqui, take care of yourself! i'm so glad you found fido- it's a great place, isn't it? my friend kristen lawrence (who also goes to first pres) works there. let her know if you need anything while you're there! send my love to mr. schneller too.

9:02 PM  

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